een fries voor marzee - marzee nijmegen - 2011

The first reaction of Bart Drost at the porcelain clay he wanted to use in 2007 during a work period in the European Ceramic Work Centre in Den Bosch was one of astonishment, disappointment, fear, yes even distaste. For him it was only nasty crumble clay, with which he couldn't do anything. After he had formed sausages and polka dots with of it the most appropriate (re)action appeared to be hitting the clay forms. Slamming he gave direction and shape to the clay and he discovered a new way of drawing. There were more than a hundred fragile porcelain drawings made. As a minute intervention adapted to architecture and design of the Galerie Marzee Nijmegen Drost in 2011 made a temporary frieze of 111 porcelain drawings on the ground floor of the gallery.

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Bart Drost

vrij kunstenaar

Graafseweg 183a
6531ZR Nijmegen